A chat with Jo from The Purple Cloud Company
What's the name of your handmade business and how did you come up with the name?
I am The Purple Cloud Company. How this came about is my favourite colour is Purple and the first thing I started making was cloud teething rings.
How did you get into crafting and how long have you been crafting?
I think it started over 7-8 years ago. I have never been able to knit and I wanted to make a small something for someone at the time. His mother showed me how to do a granny square. It wasn’t easy but I finally got the hang of it and it started from there.
What kinds of things do you like to make?
Currently I make amigurumi rabbits but I am venturing into making clothes and blankets.
What kinds of materials do you use?
As a habit, I use 100% cotton for 95% of my makes. For my blankets I tend to use acrylic wools.
What new crafts do you want to try?
Sewing. I tried in school and it was a disaster. That said, I believe my Mum still has the placemat I made.
What is your favourite craft tool?
Ohhhh, I don’t think I have a favourite but I have a worst. The Pom Pom maker. Nightmare!!
What is your favourite Tactile Treasure supply?
Easy. The new Keyring fobs. A life saver and game changer. This now makes making keyrings a lot easier as they have to be fully washable.
What’s one of your favourite things you’ve made?
That would be my rabbits. I have just made a little coat for a new rabbit and that was fun.
What are some of your favourite things to do in your spare time?
Crochet is one, of course. But others are listening to a wide range of music, TV and playing with my kids when they are here. My 6 year old son has already stated that all my tester products go to him once they have been used and tested.
What advice would you give to people just starting out on the CE marking journey?
Take your time. It is all exciting and fun, but take it easy. I am still learning new things every day. I see new posts on a page and I think, Ahhh ok, I was wondering that myself. The other bit of advice would be join a group. So many people with different knowledge is really useful.
What's the hardest thing about running a handmade business?
In all honesty. It’s the testing process. Its heart-breaking to see your makes go through it all. Especially the fire tests BUT it is important and ensures all the makes are suitable, I would hate to sell something that later down the line would cause harm to anyone of any age.
Share a success story with us..
One would be that it is hard to get yourself out there and known. My Mother In Law purchased a Bunny for a lady’s little girl. This recipient messaged me and said she loved it. So much so she went and purchased one herself for a friend of hers.
What inspires your designs?
I don’t currently design my own toys. I tend to use (and credit) other designs but they have to look cute. I am trying to design my own blankets just now though.
Can you tell us about your design process?
I have a few books with cross-stich patterns in them. I use these as a base as they work on a square/graph design which makes planning blanket designs faily easy. So I modify them slightly and that’s it really.
What's ahead in 2022?
Really just getting the business up and running. I am only a very tiny business just now, selling to friends and family really. I am working hard on my business plan and I hope that will help me secure some funding to get it off the ground. I want to run a stall at our Christmas market and approach some shops to see if they will sell my makes too.
Lastly tell us something fun/interesting/unusual or just a great story about yourself.
I am such a boring person really. But I am a Type 1 Diabetic as well as an Epileptic. I have 2 sons ages 18 (nearly) and 6 and a 10-year-old step-daughter. I broke my elbow ice-skating as a child.
Where can we find out more? (Website link, social media links)